It really doesn’t matter if your organization is small or large – you need to have a data backup solution established, because without it, you’re risking your entire operation.
There are many organizations that don’t follow through with a backup strategy. Data backup can get quite complex, which could be one of the reasons there is a lack of follow through. However, understanding a few fundamentals about the topic can help you develop a strong backup strategy.
1. Making a Plan
First, you need to build a plan around what you have in your budget for the best possible backup situation. When you know how much money you have to work with, you’ll know how extensive your layers of protection will be.
Your plan must include a scenario for backing up as well as one for recovering data in the event something goes wrong. For example, will you store your data in the cloud or use an on-premise method – or perhaps a hybrid of the two? If you lose internet service, how will you recover your data if it’s in the cloud? These are elements that need to be hashed out in the planning phase.
2. Ensure Your Backup Is Working
The most securely covered companies will test their backup data plan with drills that ensure the data is indeed being backed up. Furthermore, your backup method should be written out, step by step, so that you can get everything back online when you encounter a failure.
3. Fast Recovery
Each member of your team should know exactly what to do to recover data. This is also something that can be practiced with drills so that when something goes wrong, everyone can spring into action and start the recovery process.
Don’t risk a panic mode situation, which can happen with larger and more complex systems when a strategy has not been devised and practiced.
4. Automate
Automation tools allow for quick and easy backup of sensitive data that is critical to the operation of the organization. Many of these automation tools will include error notification and an alert system for when a glitch hits the system.
5. A Cloud-Forward Solution
Your data backup solution won’t do you much good if it’s in-house and your property is destroyed. That’s why duplicating data at multiple data centers through a cloud-based vendor is fast becoming the optimal solution for backing up data.
At eXemplify, we offer voice, data and cloud solutions for clients who want something more out of their Technology Services Distributor (TSD). If the prospect of creating a backup and recovery strategy is intimidating, contact us today and let’s talk about how we can assist.