Businesses are eager to take advantage of the hybrid cloud: it offers the convenience of a hosted infrastructure while enabling IT to retain a level of control over on-premise components. But many companies — especially small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) — still have questions around specific security best practices to deploy in this hybrid setup. In these situations, managed service providers (MSPs) can be a great source of information and peace of mind as they guide customers through hybrid cloud deployments.
As MSPs assist their clients with hybrid cloud setup, implementation, and operation, here are some important topics to tackle that will both alleviate stakeholders’ concerns regarding security and enable MSPs to reinforce their position as a trusted advisor for their customers.
Build Layers of Security
It’s critical to secure a hybrid cloud infrastructure with the same type of controls that protect a network. MSPs should educate customers on security measures such as firewalls and intrusion detection and prevention. These and other defense-in-depth measures protect the network against unauthorized access and provide a means of easily monitoring and identifying any unusual activity.
Enforce Strong Access Control
One of the most important elements in hybrid cloud security is ensuring that only authorized users can access and manage data. MSPs should encourage clients to implement controls such as granular, role-based access control, two-factor authentication, and strong authentication requirements. Another best practice to share with clients is that of replicating controls on public and private cloud infrastructure to ensure that applicable security information and updates are in sync.
Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Training
The presence of a robust employee information security training program is a fundamental tenet of maintaining data security. MSPs can ensure that their customers are covering key training topics such as phishing schemes, treatment of suspicious emails or attachments, and compliance with required antivirus and anti-malware computer scans. Educating employees about these common issues will enable them to recognize and report potential threats before they can cause damage. Furthermore, information security training creates a general heightened awareness throughout the organization that encourages employees to be aware of their role in protecting enterprise data.
Technology and the security that protects corporate IT infrastructure is changing at a rapid pace, and customers depend on their vendors and partners to help educate them on major security issues. MSPs must not let security concerns delay their customers from leveraging the hybrid cloud. By arming their clients with best practices around hybrid cloud security, MSPs can help ensure the success of the deployment and increase the likelihood of a continued partnership.
For more best practices around hybrid cloud security and helpful information for MSPs, contact eXemplify Group today.