While it’s true that companies of all sizes have made the switch to cloud-based IT services, many still hold on to their on-premise backup technology and methods. Continuing to utilize these solutions could be costing them in more ways than one. Rather than trust a limited, antiquated on-premise service, the cloud is the preferred environment for backup.
The majority of companies are still using on-premise backup solutions.According to a recent betanews survey, World Backup Day 2017: State of the Backup, 51 percent of companies said their employees back up their data to on-premise solutions. The reason for this method is that they’re comfortable with it due to its familiarity. The unknown can be quite intimidating, so why risk transitioning to something different? Unfortunately, by staying with the status quo, organizations are losing money.
By sticking to an antiquated method of backing up data, organizations are increasing costs. Most of the costs are represented in maintenance, implementation, and the hardware and software involved in an on-premise solution. Not only are man hours wasted, but there is also a space issue for storage that growing businesses have to consider.
Nearly a third of the organizations surveyed said they aren’t even using their on-premise solutions to do daily backups. That could be detrimental to the company considering the number of people today creating new ways to break into networks and steal data or damage it. For some companies, losing data could mean they shut down completely.
On-premise solutions are difficult to scale. Of those surveyed, 20 percent of organizations said they don’t back up critical customer data because of too many constraints in budgets, time, and resources.
Even when backing up valuable data is a priority, there are limitations to on-premise solutions where recovery is involved. For example, you might be limited on where, how, and the time it takes to actually regain your data. Nearly 30 percent of organizations surveyed said they have lost data multiple times, so the threat is real.
The cloud is a highly sought-after solution for backup. Small- to medium-sized businesses often have data that needs to be highly available, yet 29 percent of those surveyed said they aren’t backing up this critical data. A cloud-based backup system allows for effective daily backups to take place. Using a cloud solution means a reduction in the costs associated with backup and recovery, as well as improved data integrity and accessibility.
At eXemplify, we provide a rich cloud landscape where your data will be available to you all the time. Don’t rely on yesterday’s technology to prepare for today’s challenges. Contact us now and let’s talk about how we can provide you with backup your organization can rely on.