IT teams have plenty to keep up with given the ubiquity of cloud-based applications in use today. From Microsoft 365 to Zoom, Google G-Suite to Salesforce, there is no shortage of cloud security risks out there today. Managed security can be the best way to keep your risks low while keeping your productivity from being hindered.
Using a managed IT security provider can help fill the gaps in cyber security skills in teams that are having staffing issues. In fact, even when the workforce is robust, managed security solutions can keep you safer than relying solely on your in-house team.
Risks Are Ramping Up
While cloud-based solutions have been on the rise for years, many organizations were doing perfectly fine with their on-premise applications prior to the pandemic. Unfortunately, the pandemic forced them to quickly change gears as a portion of the workforce had to work remotely. This opened many organizations up to risks that IT teams were unfamiliar with. The gaps in security caused its share of issues, which cyber criminals were quick to exploit.
Even for teams already working with hybrid solutions, the risks were still prevalent due to the various technologies that had to be implemented, including some that fell into the zero trust department, because cloud breaches trickle their way into the on-premise environment and put all data at risk.
Why Use Managed Security?
Cyber threats continue to evolve. It seems the cyber criminals are always three moves ahead in the game, which is why so many IT teams can feel helpless. This is where a managed IT security provider can be of massive assistance, because rather than taking on the burden by yourself, you’ve got a team of professionals on your side who know exactly what technology will work to help reduce your risks.
The best managed security providers offer the following:
· Machine learning integration
· Network protection strategies
· Flexibility to handle all types of networks
· Managed firewall technology
· Analytics
· An approach to managed security that considers virtually everything
While the providers of your cloud-based solution are responsible for a segment of the security strategy, important things such as endpoint protection, application-level controls, and access management fall on you, which can be extremely complex to handle. This is why you need a managed security professional on your side. When you partner with eXemplify, you get a comprehensive solution to your security needs. Our award-winning team has been the go-to group of experts that businesses rely on to solve problems commonplace in today’s risky environment. If you’re looking for a value-added partner, contact us today, and let’s talk about how we’ll provide you with a customized solution.