Digital transformation is at the forefront of conversation at many organizations as digitization becomes increasingly important. But, how does security factor into this transition? The landscape has changed as we are facing more risks due to cybercriminals who are constantly finding more innovative ways to infiltrate our systems. Can you […]
Why Partners Should Offer Managed Security
There is a new managed security trend happening right now, and it’s gaining steam. According to a study by Forrester, 50 percent of respondents said they turned to Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) for outside help. Another 28 percent said they’re planning to do the same over the course of the […]
Are You Suffering from Cyber Intimidation?
Security threats are everywhere. Are you racing against the clock betting that one won’t happen to you? While attacks can happen to any company, an article written by the Atlantic states “companies with 500 or more employees are particularly vulnerable to attack.” It’s easy to feel helpless while hackers continue […]
The Ultimate Security Checklist
The complicated undertaking of setting a security strategy can be overwhelming, as can the thought of actually implementing one. But the costs of not having a security strategy (or having a weak or unmanaged one) are vast and damaging on many levels. This checklist will help you examine your current […]