Sustaining revenue, seeking out ways to grow without massive investments in infrastructure, or just shoring up inefficiencies – there are many reasons to seek out IT outsourcing solutions.
Outsourcing has become easier now that cloud-based tools offered by numerous providers are abundant. In fact, many aspects of daily tasks can be handled through outsourced help. Help desks are commonly handled this way, as are marketing and accounting duties. But what about IT? Do the pros outweigh the cons where IT services are concerned?
Setting the Stage for Better Services
Cost is always a factor, and it might be a leading reason to seek out IT outsourcing. For organizations looking to jettison in-house salary and compensation expenses, outsourcing is extremely attractive. There are also costs associated with managing in-house personnel, which is another consideration for offloading in-house IT services.
And while saving money is important, the end result of the IT outsourcing venture has to include great service if it is to be of any value. One aspect of top-notch service is addressing security threats, which is something just about any organization in any industry will say is a big priority.
Staying up to date on all the threats lurking out there and the tools used to keep them at bay is nothing short of a major hassle and a big concern for companies that don’t have the resources to dedicate toward high-end security features. This is something at which IT outsourcing providers excel.
Improving Productivity
When your staff can focus on what they’re good at, productivity goes up. When they’re hampered by IT issues and have to work toward solutions to solve them, these are tasks that don’t fall under their job description and it becomes apparent as productivity slides.
When IT outsourcing becomes the path to managing these daily tasks, not only are your employees focusing on what they’re hired to do, but they also become more satisfied with the job and less distracted and frustrated by doing tasks that others should be doing.
Unfortunately, there are so many different models of IT outsourcing out there that it can be difficult to figure out what is going to work best for your company. The way around this problem is to work with an agent that makes it their duty to keep up on what the latest technologies are, who is providing them, and how they will integrate with your workflow.
At eXemplify, our approach is to fully understand your needs, your current infrastructure, and your IT management goals. We will customize a plan for you that provides all the pros of adopting an IT outsourcing model while avoiding all the cons. Contact us and let’s discuss your situation, where you are now, and where you want to be in the very near future.